10 The nature of woman who is coveted by People

Lil Islam - Discussing about the woman will not be endless. Despite the repeated discussion will still find new things as if there had never been discussed before. That uniqueness and singularity of a woman.

In the Qur'an the letter of al-Ahzab [33] verse 35, Allah SWT mentions ten characteristics inherent in a woman who became the desire of the people. That of a woman's womb to be born as the superior generation as well as the desire of the people.

As to what characteristics the woman who became the people's desires? Namely, first, al-muslimat. Women are dutifully, obedient, and submissive to Allah SWT. With a character like that woman will be able to maintain his faith despite the storm approached.

Second, al-mukminat. That is, women are steadfast in the faith. Faith is a barometer of the quality of the Islamic woman. She is a yearning people, who can apply the values of faith are realized through individual worship, and social in real life.

Third, al-qanitat. That is, women who are experts of worship. A woman who istikamah (sustainable) in performing worship, either mandatory or sunnah, which is framed with full sincerity for Allah solely.

Fourth, ash-shadiqat. That is, women who are true (honest). A woman who also try to adorn themselves with honesty. Honestly in the liver, oral, actions, and attitudes in accordance with the guidance of Allah and His Messenger.

Fifth, ash-shabirat. That is, women who patiently. A woman who is able to be patient in a variety of circumstances. Patience in carrying out his orders, in leaving his ban, and in dealing with various forms of test and trial.

Sixth, al-khasyiat. Namely, quiet woman. A woman who can maintain calmness in worship to Him. Thus, she could feel the presence of his supervision (muraqabatullah).

Seventh, al-mutashaddiqat. That is, a woman who likes to charity. Alms become one of the jewels themselves, which is to be maintained by every woman. Because alms can attract the love of God, the angels, and humans.

Eighth, ash-shaimat. That is, women who often fasted. Rasulullah SAW said, "If a woman five daily prayers, fasting in Ramadan, keeping his cock, and obey her husband, surely will go to heaven of the doors he wants." (Reported by Ibn Hibban and Thabrani).

Ninth, al-Hafidzah. That is, women who maintain the honor. The glory of a woman is measured by the extent to which she can maintain his honor by way of dress, speech, walking, hanging out, and others.

Tenth, adh-dzakirat. That is, women are a lot of dhikr. The kind of woman who always  constancy of dhikr in various occasions, places, and times. Thus, his heart is always connected with the Creator.

May Allah guide us women, to maintain the constancy above ten nature in order to give birth to generations of people's desires. Amen. Wallahu a'lam

By Hj. Siti Mahmudah

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